Saturday, March 16, 2019

Sue, The Intrepid Solo Traveler Day 11/20 Travel Angels

Sue the Intrepid Solo Traveller March 15, 2019
Day 11/120   Ask and You Shall Receive.

Remind me... WHAT did I ask for on this 4 month Odessey?  Oh... that’s right....  I asked for the groves on the long-playing LP record of my already pretty good life to change pattern!

But how does change happen?  Certainly NOT without a little chaos thrown in.
Why Chaos?  Maybe if it was all smooth as a calm flowing, lotus and lily pad pond, with sweet frog and cricket sounds, there’d be no reason to change.   So let’s get to the meat of all this ‘ask and you shall receive’ stuff.

Travel Angels...  that’s what I’m talking about!  I‘ve never travelled much and it wouldn’t have occured to me, until today, to overcheck my plans in advance.  For example, in Israel, not all intercity buses travel to every city between  sundown Friday and sundown Saturday.  The Sabbath is a big deal here.  This means the intrepid non-driver traveller, like me, who relies on public transit, might get stuck in an unplanned location if she didn’t take this into account when planning a weekend trip to Haifa from Tzfat!  Like this weekend!


#1   Check connection times...  Not paying close enough attention!  Big Ooops

#2    Be on time...  no loosey goosey ... oh well I’ll catch the next bus  ‘cause maybe there isn’t one!  There wasn’t a next one for that bus number, but a sweet young couple, travel angels, pointed out the next last bus, a different number, to my destination was leaving in just 10 minutes from exactly where I was standing. Big whew!

#3    Ask questions and ask the same one to more than one stranger to be sure you’re in the right place.   Ohhhh yeah...  that means talking to strangers...  a trust issue?  Get over it!

#4    Don’t be too cheap on your accommodations  AND try to have a back-up just in case the first choice is a distressing error, SUCH AS the door code to the little cheap hotel not working!  Back up was found on my behalf, by another travel angel.

TRUST is the secret and the deepening new groove in my old LP record.  Confidence in myself to manage is the second new groove.  Being Strategic before impending doom crashes down... is my third new groove.

#5    Look around for a travel angel whenever you are in need...  there’s always one close by.

Enjoy Enjoy, Enjoy...  onward.....   and I don’t know what will happen tomorrow...