Saturday, September 27, 2014

So being a Mom is a Spiritual experience? Says WHO!

Dirty diapers, tantrums (theirs and yours), discipline, exhaustion... is there ANYTHING spiritual about being the parent to an infant who doesn't sleep, a child who is learning boundaries, the teen who is pushing those boundaries and to ourselves, the moms who do it all?

If life is a journey, and you are a spiritual, not necessarily religious person, you might be forced by life situations to put spirituality on the shelf because there aren't enough hours in the day to be totally, consciously present in every stressful Mom moment AND simultaneously be totally present in keeping your children open to being the spiritually conscious beings they were also born to be.

What is stopping you from taking your spiritual journey....  Nothing!   Remember those moments you had to shelve because everyone else was louder and more needy than YOU?

Those moments are your greatest learning, your greatest growth.  Everything you could have beaten yourself up about, is a moment in which you could be fully present.  When the little darlings are in bed, instead of feeling guilty for your behaviour, open your life's classroom door and step into the moment, to see how you could have responded differently or how you did respond perfectly.  Learning from those moments is your spiritual journey. Make change where change is needed, celebrate when celebration is called for.

Everything happens for a reason, especially our kids.   Parenting is the total spiritual experience when you know how to use it.

So, Mom are you on a spiritual journey?  It's up to you.

Welcome to your life.... Parent The Parent Mentoring Groups

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